Is this unreasonably optimistic?

Does he really think Chinese emissions will go down soon when new coal plants are accelerating?


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Thank you for sharing this useful link. We went to the GEM website and found the original press release. It was interesing data on China’s power plant construction. We are curious how GEM tracked the construction projects in China and how the figure is calcultaed. We want to double-check this figure, but we did not find similar data in Chinese media.

But we do find something else interesting. Data from China Electricty Council showed that 80 percent of China’s newly-added power generation capacity in 2023 are clean energy, including wind power, hydropower and solar power.

China is dependent on coal, but it seems the the focus of power generation construction is shifting to new energy sources.

Getting rid of coal is something quite challenging for China. Hope we can exchange more ideas on the topic.

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Don't forget that carbon emissions are decreasing faster in other sectors, transport (EVs), construction, manufacturing, agriculture, etc..

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I hope so. But if EVs end up being fueled in large part by all the new coal plants, then not necessarily. That is why it will be key to see whether the optimism is actually realized.

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Glad that China and Europe can cooperate on sustainability goals.

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